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Linton Primary School has a one to one technology program, with IPads in the junior school and Notebooks in the senior school.  Linton is well-resourced and technology available to students includes a large screen TV in each classroom space, Video conferencing technology (Polycom) which allows us to communicate with students and teachers from around the World.

Our staff are trained in delivering the latest learning technologies in the classroom and assessment of curriculum through the platforms of Seesaw for the junior children and Office 365 – TEAMS for the senior children.

Our students are engaged in ongoing learning about Cybersafety when exploring and using the internet at school and home.  Students using IPads will access educational Apps to assist learning as well as being engaged in digital film making using their devices and video cameras.  Students are supervised at all times when using their devices and all sites or programs have been screened by staff prior to student use to ensure they are appropriate.  Please see our Digital Technologies Policy for further information.

Linton Primary School - ICT

2024 Enrolments Now Open

See our enrolment page for more information or call us for a school tour!